10 best conure cages : Give Your Conure a Happy Home

The conure is a small bird that comes in many colors and types. They are native to South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. The conures originally made their home in trees, but now they can be seen living both indoors and outdoors. Conures make great pets for people who enjoy things like parrots or cockatiels, but there are some differences between these birds that you need to take into consideration before bringing one of these animals into your life. One major difference is conure cages – conure cages are different than most other birdcages because conures have long tails that require more space for them to fly around comfortably inside their cage.

What is the best size cage for a conure?

A conure cage should be at least 18″ wide, 24″ deep and 36″ high. They need more space than other birds because of their long tail that they use to balance themselves in the air while flying from perch to perch.

Conure Cages

What is the best material for a conure’s home?

The ideal conure cages are made out of acrylic or metal bars with an escape-proof wire bottom grate on it that will keep your pet bird from getting injured by sharp edges of any kind. The most popular type you can find is called “bar spacing” which means there are two sets of horizontal wires spaced apart about ¼”.

Most popular conure bird cages:

What does my Conure need in his cage?

A conure needs a cage that is tall enough for him to easily move from perch-to-perch. A conure also needs plenty of branches and other items on which he can chew, explore, or play with. Your conure will need:

  •  High-quality food pellets (don’t feed seed)
  • Fresh water in his dish every day
  • Weekly baths (only use bird-safe shampoo!)
  •  Enough room for your conure to stretch and flap its wings freely!

Conure Cages

There should be at least four feet of space between the top of the cage’s walls and any objects inside it; some conures like more than five feet between them because they enjoy soaring through the air as much as possible.

How much out of cage time do conures need?

This depends on the conure’s level of activity, but most conures need a minimum of one hour– and some need two hours or more!

Your conure will also enjoy time outside his cage to play with you. Conures love watching TV with their owners (or bird-watching out your window!), getting attention from friends over for dinner, playing in the bathtub, or basically anything that involves new experiences. Teaching them tricks is also highly recommended because it challenges their minds while strengthening your bond together!”

Conure Cages

The conures are very social birds so they do not like to be alone for long periods. They often enjoy spending time away from their cages as well if only briefly; this includes going outdoors into a designated area.

How to clean bird cage?

Cleaning your bird’s cage can at first seem like a tedious chore. With so many bars, cracks, and crevices to scrub, it can be hard for new bird owners to figure out where they should begin. Cleaning the cages every day is recommended in order to keep them clean but this will take up time that could otherwise go towards other responsibilities you have outside of caring for birds or taking care of yourself. Instead break down what needs done into individual tasks with specific times allotted each week (weekly) and month (monthly). For instance if something is only needed monthly then doing all the work on one weekend saves an entire weekday from being spent cleaning droppings off wires instead!

  • Change the cage liner every day to ensure your bird is comfortable and healthy. Bird droppings can get stuck in old papers, making them emit a very unpleasant stench!
  • To avoid bacteria growth, remove your bird’s food and water dishes daily. Wash them with a mild dish detergent before replacing them in the cage to prevent harmful bacterial build-up that can make you or your pet sick!
  • To keep your bird’s cage clean, first take a damp rag and gently wipe down the surfaces of the cage. This should include cleaning any bars or perches as well as wiping off any toys that may have been left out in play time. Next, use paper towels to get into all those hard-to-reach places like corners where food can accumulate quickly!

How to keep conure cage warm?

To avoid conures from becoming chilled, make sure to keep your conure’s cage temperature between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It is also important the conure has enough room in their home for them to thermo-regulate by moving around freely.

Many people do not realize that their pet birds are just as susceptible to the cold and drafts of winter. This is why it’s important to move your birdcage out of direct contact with doors, windows, or other sources for potential temperature changes throughout the year. To create a healthy environment during these colder months you should place heat lamps in close proximity around perches so they’re within about 4 inches from where your bird will be sitting on his feet.

Consider covering your bird’s cage at night. This is a way to protect it from cold, and you can also keep the temperature inside more comfortable for them in case of extreme weather.

How long should i let my sun conure out of the cage?

Conures are more likely to develop their wings and explore if they’re allowed out of the cage on a regular basis. Just make sure you have time set aside for your conure’s physical activities every day, or else he will get bored in his birdcage and start hurting himself or throwing things around inside as an outlet.

The best conure cages typically come with plenty of features that promote safety, comfort, ventilation and entertainment for the birds living there. Each individual has different needs when it comes to what is considered quality housing but some examples might include: having doors that can be opened from either side; containing multiple levels (if your conure prefers high places); being free-standing without any legs.


What other birds can fit in a parrot cage?

People often forget about the most important part of a bird’s cage when they bring them home. The tail! If you have a long-tailed bird, make sure your new cages has plenty of room for it to move around without its tail touching any bars and damaging feathers or worse yet self mutilating because he no longer has enough space in his small uncomfortable cage.

What is a good size cage for a green cheek conure?

A conure’s cage should be spacious with lots of room to move around in. One tip is to buy a cage that can be opened from either side; containing multiple levels (if your conure prefers high places); being free-standing without any legs.

How much money does it cost for a good conure?

The costs vary depending on the size, quality and type of conure you are looking for but here are some general guidelines for the price range:

$100 – $200+ for a medium sized conures $150-$300+for large parrots like macaws/large cockatoos (~30″ long) and ~$400-$600+ if you’re interested in smaller birds such as quakers.

What size cage does a conure need?

A conure needs a cage that is at least 24″x24″x48″. If you have space for a larger cage, go ahead and get one.

How many conures can live in one cage?

If the conures are not all about the same size they should each have their own perch so none of them gets more room or attention than any other conure. A few conures living together can share an average sized birdcage; however if you’re housing two large conures it would be better to go with a larger cage such as 36″ x 18″ x 30”.

Conures are known for their long tail, and they need plenty of space to fly around in. A conure cage should be at least 18″ wide, 24″ deep and 36″ high. They can’t get enough room on a smaller perch or more than one bird will start fighting over the limited space available. If you’re not sure what size is best for your new pet, contact us today! We’ll help answer any questions you have about caring for a conure as well as tell you which products would work best with your lifestyle so that both you and your new feathered friend can live comfortably together.

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