12 Amazing Missouri Birds Species

There are  species of birds found in Missouri. That’s a lot of birds, and to help you keep track of them all, here’s a list of the most common birds found in Missouri.

Missouri is home to a lot of birds. We know this because of a recent survey conducted by the National Audubon Society. They surveyed 528 bird experts and found that there are a total of 1,100 bird species living in Missouri. Missouri is also home to over 400 different bird species. But what kind of birds are there in Missouri? In order to find out, let’s take a look at some of the most common Missouri bird species.

1. Common Buzzard


The common buzzard is a large bird of prey that can be found in many parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Its name originates from the sound it makes, which resembles a buzz.  is a type of eagle with a bald head, white tail feathers, and a long curved beak. The common buzzard is often considered to be the second most powerful bird in the world. Although they are known to scavenge, common buzzards are also known for their hunting skills. They live in a wide range of habitats, including grasslands, marshes, scrub lands, and mountains. These birds tend to migrate south during the winter. The common buzzard hunts a wide variety of prey, The buzzard is a scavenger and feeds on carrion (the remains of dead animals), mice, small reptiles, and some fish. They usually eat during the daytime and often in the morning or evening. They also nest on the ground, which is unusual for an eagle species.

The common buzzard is an interesting bird that doesn’t have many predators in the wild. Because of this, they have grown very comfortable in suburban areas throughout North America. These birds love to sit in trees near power lines, but aren’t afraid to walk into a building if there is food on the other side. The same can be said for businesses. As long as there are people and resources to sell to, these businesses won’t mind walking into a room.

2. Northern Harrier


Northern harriers are one of the rarest birds in North America.The northern harrier (Circus cyaneus) is a large bird of prey that breeds in North America with a long, pointed tail and large wingspans (up to 2 feet). The harrier is famous for its hunting strategy: It flies high over the landscape, keeping a watchful eye out for prey and waiting for the perfect moment to swoop down. It is the only member of the genus Circus and subfamily Accipitrinae of the family Accipitridae.There are only 200 harriers left and they live in the forests of the boreal forest of Canada and Alaska. They hunt small animals such as rabbits and mice and eat insects and fruits and berries. They spend their lives in a complex system of territories. If you want to know more about harriers, I recommend you check out the video below.

3. Northern Bobwhite


Northern bobwhites are small migratory birds that nest along the eastern and midwestern seaboard of the United States. They are similar to our native Carolina wrens. Bobwhites have brown bodies and yellowish-brown tails with black wing bars. Their wings are white, except for a black central spot. The tail is covered in white feathers, but the rest of the body and the head are gray. Their bill is long and narrow, and their eyes are bright orange. The northern bobwhite prefers to eat seeds and insects, as well as some fruits and berries. In the wild, they prefer to perch in large groups in brushy areas near water. They will build a nest in the bottom of a tall shrub.

One of the interesting things about Bobwhites is that they are among the earliest birds to begin to breed. During springtime, male Bobwhites begin singing as early as March. The female Bobwhites come to mate in March or April. By the time that spring has passed, both male and female Bobwhites are usually done. Bobwhites usually lay 3 or 4 eggs in their nests during May or June. The babies are usually born between May and July.

4. Gray Jay


Gray Jay birds have some characteristics that set them apart from other birds. Gray Jays are larger than other songbirds and have larger bills. They have an upright posture, strong feet, a loud call, and are found primarily in wooded areas.As the gray jay, this bird is smart, inquisitive, aggressive, territorial, and opportunistic. The bird is usually seen near water, often near cliffs and bridges. When it comes to hunting, the gray jay uses tools to crack nuts, worms, and seeds from fruit.The Gray Jay bird is a native American species that is quite common in the southern states, from the Carolinas to Louisiana. However, it’s a long-legged bird with a distinctive white and black face, neck and breast, which makes it easy to distinguish. It’s a small bird that weighs anywhere between 6 and 13 grams. A typical mature bird may weigh up to 15 grams.

 5. Western Screech Owl


In the eastern United States, the western screech owl is one of the most common owls, but because of their low visibility and secretive nature, people don’t know much about this owl. It is a medium-sized species that can be found across most of North America, with the exception of the northern parts of Canada and Alaska. Like most owls, they prefer open habitats such as meadows and prairies, as well as areas with dense brush. They can be seen during daylight hours and their call is easily recognized by people familiar with their calls.This species is often considered one of the larger owls with a wingspan of around 70 inches. They typically weigh around 10-12 pounds and have brown plumage with yellowish patches on their heads and neck. Their diet consists of small rodents, reptiles and insects. There is a significant overlap with the red-shafted flicker (Colaptes auratus), but the Western Screech Owl lacks the red-shafted flicker’s long tail and is smaller. The Western Screech Owl is nocturnal, making it difficult to see. The bird can be heard by human ears at a distance of 15-20 feet away.They eat rodents, but are also known to prey on other animals such as snakes, amphibians, insects, and even lizards and turtles. They are found all across the US except the far north and far south. Although not common, they can sometimes be seen in cities and suburban areas.

6. Canada Warbler


It’s a bird. The Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis) is a North American warbler species found throughout Canada and in Alaska. They build a cup nest with plant material and lay two eggs on a platform, which the female usually guards for around three days. They feed on nectar and insects and can be identified by their yellowish underparts, brown wings, white underwings, and a red eye ring.It has a very important impact on our economy. The Canada Warbler is a small songbird. But it doesn’t have the typical songbird characteristics. Instead, it has a very unique song, and it’s the only warbler in North America that sings all year round. Its song is a loud warble, a clear trill, and a chirp. This bird is so well adapted to its environment that it will even sing in a city. Warblers are the second most abundant bird species in North America, behind only sparrows. However, these little guys are disappearing at a frightening rate because of habitat loss.

There is no better bird to illustrate the nature of change than the warbler. No other bird sings or dances so beautifully and with such precision. It has the ability to change colors and patterns, as if it were a kaleidoscope, in response to its surroundings. The warbler adapts perfectly to the changing environment. It is a flexible creature that thrives on change. Change is good, and change is always with us. So is change. It is inevitable and it is necessary.

7. Great Blue Heron


The great blue heron is a common sight in coastal regions like New England and Alaska. Herons often nest near bodies of water, but the great blue heron is no stranger to land, either. This bird spends a large portion of its time perched atop trees or other tall objects along the shoreline and in wetlands.

One of the reasons why this bird likes to be near bodies of water is because they are always hungry. They are usually eating fish, crabs, and frogs. This allows them to get enough nutrition and calories to stay strong. Some of the fish that herons eat includes salmon, trout, and perch. Herons also eat ducks, geese, and turtles. Some of the insects and worms that the herons eat include crickets, grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, and worms. If you are lucky, you might see this beautiful bird wading in the shallow water or flying over the surface of the water.Herons and egrets are both very similar birds. They can look almost identical. They can be distinguished from one another by size and shape. Herons tend to be smaller than egrets, and they have long, thin bills. Egrets tend to be bigger and have a rounder bill. The great blue heron is a common bird in North America. You’ll often see it near marshes and other bodies of water. In addition, the great blue heron tends to live near beaches, lakes, ponds, rivers, or swamps. It’s possible to hear the great blue heron calling as it walks along the shoreline.

The great blue heron is an interesting bird. It is found in different parts of the world. The bird has long legs with which it can walk on water and on land. It has a large head and a long neck. It has a large, heavy bill. Its plumage is mainly grey and white. When it is fishing, it usually stands still, waiting for a fish to pass by. It grabs the fish with its bill and brings it to its nest.

8. Red-shouldered Hawk


Red-shouldered hawks (Buteo japonicus) are one of only two species of bird (the other being eagles) that hunt other birds. Hawks typically take down prey that weighs more than they do, but sometimes they can succeed in hunting smaller prey if they come across it unexpectedly, such as a mouse or squirrel. Their hunting strategies include sitting high in the air, flying slowly over their prey, and watching for movement. They usually attack from above, swooping down with talons extended to seize their target.It hunts mice, frogs, lizards, and snakes, and sometimes eats birds and nestlings. The Red-shouldered Hawk is one of three members of the Hawk family; the others are the Cooper’s Hawk and the Ferruginous Hawk. It is a medium-sized (typically 19–22 cm), long-tailed, long-winged, diurnal hawk with a broad, blunt bill. Red-shouldered Hawks have an olive-brown upper surface, white underparts, and a black tail with a white tip.

To me, there is nothing more beautiful than watching a red-shouldered hawk soaring overhead. I love the way they effortlessly navigate the air. They move with grace and beauty. As they soar past, I admire the intricate patterns on their feathers and feel the wind ruffle through my hair as I listen to the beating of their wings.

 9.Cactus Wren


Cactus wrens are a kind of sparrow that lives in the deserts of North America. They build nests out of sticks and dry grasses and feed on bugs and small fruits. The only thing I didn’t know is that they sing songs and their songs can be heard for miles away.

Cactus wrens are not your typical bird. Although they don’t even come close to being cute like the birds in our avian family, cactus wrens are fascinating. They spend their time scavenging insects from the ground. In fact, cactus wrens often eat crickets or other insects that humans consider pests. But, although we may not understand their motives for eating bugs, we do appreciate their efforts to keep our homes clean.

Cactus wrens build their nests out of sticks and dry grasses and feed on bugs and small fruits. They spend their time scavenging insects from the ground. I learned that they are actually related to our bird family. They are even capable of singing. However, I did not know that they sing a specific song. This means that the cactus wren has a unique melody that it uses to identify itself.

The cactus wren does not look very appealing, but they are really interesting birds. We admire their skills to keep our homes clean. We may not understand why they eat bugs, but we do appreciate their efforts to keep our homes clean. If you want to learn more about cactus wrens, you can find more information online.

10. American Redstart


To give the bird its full title, it’s the song sparrow (the scientific name is Garrulus glandarius). They’re an iconic species in North America and are found throughout the eastern half of the continent. Their numbers have been dwindling because of the loss of nesting habitat caused by the decline of native forests. One of the biggest threats to this little bird is the loss of nesting habitat in urban areas. Urban sprawl has led to a loss of natural habitat for the birds. This change in habitat has also made it harder for birds to feed.

‘The birds’ plumage is mainly dark brown to black with a light rufous or reddish-orange breast. Redstarts usually occur together in flocks and feed on the ground, often near water. They migrate south for winter in large numbers. This species breeds primarily in the mountains of western North America, including California, Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. During migration, many redstarts form large flocks, sometimes numbering into the hundreds or even thousands.


11. Purple Finch


Purple Finches are bird species who build nests high in trees, often close to the ground, and often contain a single egg. The female typically incubates the egg, keeping it warm, and the male feeds it. Most of the time, the father doesn’t even bother showing up to feed the egg. So why do males continue to care for eggs that aren’t theirs? For one, they want to impress females. The longer a purple finch is away from its nest, the worse off it will be when it eventually lays its own egg. Males who stay nearby will be seen as more attractive to the females, and that’s what they’re ultimately after.

12. Red-winged

Red winged 12 Amazing Missouri Birds Species

The red-winged blackbird is an American songbird that lives in woodlands. The male bird has a long tail that flutters in the air when he sings. He also sings during courtship, and even if he’s already paired, will sing for his mate.

The term “red-winged” refers to Red-winged blackbirds with  distinct black crest along their back and their wing tips are a deep red color. Blackbirds are known for their loud singing, which starts when they return to the nest site after feeding. They may also sing at night and during the spring mating season. The red-winged blackbird eats insects, seeds, fruit, and small rodents and has a lifespan of about five years.


Why are some Missouri bird species endangered?

Most people aren’t aware that the number of endangered bird species in Missouri, for example, is higher than anywhere else in the nation. But, even though the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is not currently tracking the population of endangered birds on a state-wide basis, there are some places on the MDC website that help visitors learn more about the status of Missouri bird species and populations.Many people don’t realize that Missouri has been losing species of birds over the past decade. While there have been some studies conducted on the decline of certain species of birds, many people don’t know why there is such a drop. So, what are some possible causes of this decrease in bird population?

 What can you do to help Missouri bird species ?

It’s time for us to get practical! We need to take action to prevent birds from becoming extinct. We have the power to influence these animals, but they need our help. Some people might ask how we’re going to do it. In reality, we can all start by getting to know the creatures who need our help. Learn their habits and what they need to survive. There are many websites that offer information about endangered species in their habitats. Look for local chapters of organizations like The American Bird Conservancy, The Nature Conservancy, and The International Union for Conservation of Nature. To help the Missouri bird species that have been listed as threatened. One of the easiest things you can do to help is by not cutting down trees that provide nesting sites. The number of bird species is growing, so if you cut down a tree, there are more species that can use that tree. You can also help by not using pesticides that could harm the birds. Finally, by not using fertilizers that might kill off the trees, you can help preserve the habitat.

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