The Birds Of Arkansas

You’ll learn about the birds that call Arkansas home. The birds of Arkansas are so diverse, they’re not even all counted together. This map shows the distribution of the state’s 320 species of birds. The different colors correspond to a classification system called the North American Classification of Birds. Clicking on the dots on the map reveals a little more information about the bird and its habitat.

1. Black-headed Grosbeak


The Black-Headed Grosbeak is a bird species in the American family Cardinalidae that breeds throughout the North American continent. This tiny songbird has a distinctive black head with a yellow breast, black wing bars, a white rump and underparts, a blue-gray bill, and a black eye stripe. They eat fruits and berries, mostly cherries, grapes, and plums. Most people don’t realize that the Black-headed Grosbeak is a bird that often nests in trees because they nest in tree holes. Black-headed Grosbeaks live in the mountains of North America, Mexico, Central America and southern parts of South America. They can be distinguished from the Carolina Grosbeak by their black head and tail feathers. These birds feed on seeds, fruits, and berries. Their diet consists mainly of acorns, fruits, and seeds.

2. Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Phoebe 1 The Birds Of Arkansas

The next three characteristics are Eastern Phoebe bird traits. The first is that she’s often a bit of a diva and demands attention. Eastern Phoebes are often very vocal, often talking over other birds during feeding time. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if the birds get fed up with the diva’s incessant chatter, they’ll take their food and leave. The second trait is that she can be a bit flighty and restless. They’ll fly up into the sky in a flash and then come back down to the ground. These birds are also quite friendly and curious. They’ll fly around and interact with the people who live near the feeder. It is a member of the tit family, which includes other common birds. Like many birds, phoebes eat insects, fruit, and nectar. However, they will also eat any food that they find in the wild. Their diet consists mostly of earthworms, but they have been known to eat crickets, ants, and grubs as well. They also eat small rodents and reptiles, such as lizards, snakes, and frogs. Some people have even reported seeing them eating caterpillars. In order to raise their young, they lay eggs in early spring. A female will lay anywhere.

3. Golden-crowned Kinglet

Golden crowned Kinglet The Birds Of Arkansas

A golden-crowned (Regulus satrapa)kinglet is a tiny, brown songbird with a black head and white chest. This little bird breeds in wooded areas, from the western United States to Mexico. It migrates along the Pacific Coast in spring, usually arriving in the summer in the mountains of the West. Its food is berries and seeds, and it often feeds on the ground. These birds often spend their days high in the trees, hunting for small insects. Some species of golden-crowned kinglet have been known to migrate as far south as southern Arizona. The bird’s scientific name means “king of the country.

I think that these birds are really interesting and beautiful. If you ever get to see one, you’d better appreciate it. These birds are really cute because they remind me of some of my relatives. I also like these birds because they are so colorful. These birds are very different from other birds in color. They are a lot more interesting and attractive. These little birds have special feathers on their heads. These feathers are called crowns. They give these birds a royal look. Some people call these birds “golden-crowned kings.” These birds have bright orange bills and black legs. The bird’s eyes are yellow with a red iris.

4. Gray Catbird

Gray Catbird The Birds Of Arkansas

According to BirdLife International, the Gray Catbird is a species of chat. They are also known as the Gray Chat Catbird. Their natural range includes parts of Central America and Mexico and their habitat is forested areas such as mangroves. They nest on the ground under thickets and bushes. Gray Catbirds are known to migrate over 40 miles daily. They eat insects, spiders, snakes, and fruit seeds while flying. They can even hover in mid-air. The bird can live up to 10 years. They are often found around towns but will travel up to 50 miles to find better territory. The gray catbird is a migratory songbird native to North America. It is found in the northeastern part of the United States as well as the Canadian provinces.

As a parent bird species, the gray catbird is not as large as other species. Their size helps them stay concealed within the foliage of trees. While they are generally not considered aggressive, the gray catbird is territorial and will attack any perceived threats. As a species, the gray catbird prefers open, wooded areas, and they are often found near water. They also eat a variety of insects and spiders and they will capture small prey with ease. Because of the threat posed by the gray catbird’s aggressive nature, the bird should never be handled.

5. Kentucky Warbler

Kentucky Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

Warbler is a small songbird native to the United States, Central America, and the West Indies. It belongs to the genus Sylvia (from Ancient Greek συλίπα, “I fold”) and the family Emberizidae (a group of Old World warblers). Most species of warblers in the genus Sylvia are known as flycatchers. It is found in deciduous trees and shrubs. It is very common and can be seen year-round but mainly in the spring and summer. They can usually be heard singing in groups of up to 50 birds. This bird has several unique characteristics. It has no teeth and no claws. It is the only species of bird with a completely naked head. The upper parts are yellow and blackish, and its back, wings, and tail are brownish. Its voice is shrill and monotonous and is similar to the chirp of a cricket. It is found in deciduous and coniferous forests of eastern North America. It is very active, and its diet includes berries, buds, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and flies. The male’s song is composed of three notes, while the female’s song has a wider range.

6. Orange-crowned Warbler

Orange crowned Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

Orange-crowned warblers are found in the eastern United States and are migratory birds that winter in Central America. Their scientific name is Parus coronatus. They belong to the Paridae Family. Orange-crowned Warblers feed on insects. They eat caterpillars. Insects are plant-eating animals. Insects are animals that eat plants. Warblers eat insects. Orange-crowned Warblers have a loud song. They nest in deciduous trees such as oaks, beeches, and maples, and the female lays two eggs each year. Although orange-crowned warblers are small birds, they have the ability to mimic other species and are often mistaken for mockingbirds and tanagers. During the mating season, the male warblers perform their own song, which consists of three main sections: the introductory section, the prelude, and the coda. The male warblers sing from perches up high, using their tails to help keep themselves upright.

This warbler is also known as the brown-capped warbler. This warbler can be identified by its orange crown, yellow eye-ring, and blue-gray coloration. They can reach an average of five centimeters (2 inches) long and weigh four grams (0.1 ounces).

7. Palm Warbler

Palm Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

A palm warbler (also called a palm cockatoo ) is a type of Australian parrot. It’s native to Australia and New Guinea and lives in rainforests and mangroves. Palm warblers are typically found in groups of four or five birds, but can form larger flocks during migrations. Palm warblers are also quite adept mimics. While singing, some species imitate the calls of a great hornbill or a tiger bird.” In addition to having a very high metabolic rate, Warblers are very vocal and often sing non-stop in the mornings and evenings,” says the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s website. “Warblers are also easily disturbed, as even a passing car can cause them to take flight.”It makes a loud buzzing sound when flapping its wings. The warbler is named after its call, which sounds like a warbling of “warbler.” Warblers eat insects and often fly over water, but they don’t drink water. Their nests can be found under bridges, in buildings, and in trees. They lay four to five eggs and are usually only around for two to three weeks.

8. Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Ruby crowned Kinglet The Birds Of Arkansas

The ruby-crowned kinglet is a small species of bird native to North America. Its population has declined in recent years. One hypothesis for this decline is that climate change is adversely affecting its food supply. The kinglet’s diet consists of seeds, berries, and invertebrates. Because of their small size, the birds eat more than they can handle and are prone to starvation. The ruby-crowned kinglet is a small bird, only 15 cm (6 inches) long and weighing just 100 g (3.5 oz). Its distinctive red throat pattern is made up of small yellow spots that form a crown. They migrate south in the winter and come back north in spring.

These characteristics are traits shared by a group of birds, specifically the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. These birds were first discovered in 2006 in Kauai, Hawaii. The bird is small (12 inches long), brownish-black, and yellow-tipped. The male bird has a distinctive red crown patch on its head. The group includes the Spotted, Ash-throated, Red-faced, and Yellow-rumped. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a migratory bird that winters in Mexico and Central America. It builds its nest in a shrub or tree, usually in an old woodpecker hole. They have a loud song that includes whistles and chirps. They eat insects, spiders, and eggs. They build their nests in trees. They live only in North America.

9. Summer Tanager

Summer Tanager The Birds Of Arkansas

Summer Tanagers are common in urban habitats, but they usually migrate to their wintering grounds in North America in September. They spend the summer feeding on seeds and insects and raising their young. This species is migratory and prefers short grassland habitats. Summer tanagers are found along the southeastern coast of the United States, in southern Ontario, and throughout much of the midwestern United States. It is only reaching 15cm in length. Its bright red coloring is matched with dark blue wing tips and a distinctive black face. The call is a high-pitched song with a rapid descending trill. The summer tanager is widespread across eastern North America and winters in Florida. Summer tanagers are long-distance migrants, wintering in subtropical or tropical South America and some southern U.S. states. Males are black above with a red breast, belly, wings, and tail, and a white throat and under tail coverts. Females are similar but duller overall. These birds have a song that can be heard throughout most of North America in the spring and summer.

10. Yellow Warbler

Yellow Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

Yellow warblers are the largest of our species in North America. They are typically found in mature forests throughout the northern hemisphere but have been spotted as far south as North Carolina. These small birds eat nectar from various flowering plants. The females lay their eggs on the ground, and the young fledge after 4 weeks. They are active birds with distinctive songs. They fly above or near the ground while singing. Yellow warblers feed on insects. There are two types of yellow warblers: one in the Northern Hemisphere and the other in the Southern Hemisphere. The yellow warbler is known for its bright yellow throat patch. In the wild, these birds often forage on insects found in forests and shrubs, and they can be found in many parts of North America. Their loud calls are a great way to attract mates.

11. Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush The Birds Of Arkansas

Wood thrushes are found only in North America. They are typically small, brown, and grayish. The males tend to be brighter than the females. Females lay four to six eggs in a nest made of twigs and other plant material. Eggs are incubated for about 14 days. The young fledge at 30 to 35 days. Wood thrushes eat berries, seeds, nuts, insects, worms, and slugs.

These birds are often confused with the American Robin, which is a common house bird. There are very obvious differences between the two, so it is easy to tell them apart. They are different sizes, and the Wood Thrush is a bit smaller and has a longer tail than the American Robin. Their calls are slightly different as well. The Wood Thrush’s song starts high and falls off in pitch, whereas Robin’s song starts lower and rises in pitch as it gets louder.

12. Worm-eating Warbler

Worm eating Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

The Warbler is a very common warbler. The warbler is an insectivore (meaning it eats insects) found throughout Europe. It is a migratory bird that winters in Africa, the Middle East, northern India, and southern Asia. Its range spans the whole of Eurasia. There are one species of worm-eating warbler in North America. The Worm-Eating Warbler (Acrocephalus baeticatus) is a small passerine bird. It is a member of the family Acrocephalidae. Worm-eating warblers eat snails and slugs. In their natural environment, warblers feed on insects, such as grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, and caterpillars. They also eat berries, seeds, and fruit. Their diet includes nectar and pollen, and in addition to feeding themselves, they often feed on the seeds of plants that they visit. As a result, a warbler’s plumage may look very different from the one seen in your hand as a specimen. Also, you’ll want to make sure your warbler isn’t too close to a bird feeder. A feeding bird can become agitated if it feels threatened. If you do see a bird feeding at a feeder, just give it a few minutes and keep watching.

13. Blue-winged Warbler

Blue winged Warbler The Birds Of Arkansas

Blue-winged warblers are small songbirds native to North America. They are usually seen in open woodlands and feed on insects and spiders. A blue-winged warbler is a member of the family Parulidae. They are often mistaken for thrush because of their long tail. They also share some similar traits with thrushes. Their song is loud, with many trills. Their breeding season begins in early spring, and is quite brief, lasting only one month. This short period of activity means that blue-winged warblers breed very close to their wintering grounds, often within sight of their summer residence. The males are stunning, with bright blue wings that contrast with their grayish-brown bodies. The females are duller, with browner plumage, and they are less colorful than the males. Blue-winged warblers breed in northern latitudes. Males fly north to mate in the late summer, while females wait for warmer weather to arrive and migrate south to nesting grounds. During migration, the birds feed on insects that they capture on the wing. Their numbers and breeding distribution are thought to be declining due to changes in climate and habitat.

 14-Cinnamon Teal

Cinnamon Teal The Birds Of Arkansas

Cinnamon Teal is a very rare color that is characterized by its dark reddish-brown hue. This color is very popular in interior design, as it is soothing and elegant at the same time. It is an all-purpose color that can be used in a variety of ways. The most common use of this color is for the walls of a living room, especially if the theme of the home is modern and minimalist.

Cinnamon Teal is a very common color in nature. Many birds use it as camouflage to hide in the trees. When you look at the birds in the trees, you will see cinnamon teal all around. It looks like the tree bark has been covered with cinnamon teal. This color is a combination of brown, red, and yellow.

15- The least Grebe

Least Grebe The Birds Of Arkansas

The least grebe bird is a small wading bird. It is found only in North America. It is about 10 centimeters (3.9 inches) long. It lives on the ground and eats small invertebrates. Its diet includes earthworms, crickets, spiders, beetles, flies, ants, earthworms, and worms.

Grebes are diving birds that live in temperate coastal waters. Like other diving birds, they are excellent swimmers that can dive to great depths. They have webbed feet and a long bill. Grebes are monogamous and often mate for life. Breeding pairs stay together for 3–4 years. One of the most common mistakes is to think that because they are monogamous that they aren’t territorial. That is not true. Grebes are highly territorial and will often defend their nests and eggs. Most people are aware of grebes as birds that eat fish. They’re called grebes because of the sound their wing beats make as they dive into the water and catch their prey. But they’re much more than just a fisherman’s friend. Grebes are among the top 10 migratory birds and have been classified as near-threatened due to their declining population. The grebe’s diet consists of mostly insects but also eats crustaceans, small fish, and frogs. The two most commonly seen species of grebe in North America are the red-necked and the black-necked.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the most common birds in Arkansas?

The birds of Arkansas include some of the most common birds in North America. Some of these include American Goldfinch, Brown Thrasher, Chimney Swift, Carolina Wren, COCK-OF-THE-WALK Sparrow, and Northern Mockingbird. Other common bird species in Arkansas include: Bald Eagle, Blue Jay, Bullock’s Oriole, Downy Woodpecker, Eastern Towhee

How can I identify these birds based on their calls?

The best way to identify these birds is by their calls. There are six species in Arkansas, and each has a different call. The red-breasted nuthatch, for example, has a loud “cheeky” call that can be heard up to half a mile away. Other common calls include the blue Jay’s caw and the blackbird’s trill.

Which bird species are most commonly found in Arkansas during the spring and summertime?

The most commonly seen bird in Arkansas during the spring and summertime is the American Goldfinch. Other birds that are commonly found in Arkansas during this time of year include Blue Jay, Brown Thrasher, Robin, Catbird, White-throated Sparrow, and Carolina Wren.

What are some of the best bird-watching spots in Arkansas?

If you’re interested in bird-watching, some of the best spots in Arkansas to see birds are the Arkansas Delta, wetlands along the White River, Crowley’s Ridge State Park, Prairie Grove National Wildlife Refuge, and Bald Knob National Wildlife Refuge. Additionally, many people enjoy bird-watching at other spots outside of Arkansas as well. For example, the Brown Pelican Sanctuary in Louisiana is a great spot to see these majestic birds, and the New York City Forest Preserve has a great population of black bears!


Thank you for reading our blog post! In this post, we have covered the birds of Arkansas in a comprehensive way. We have included a list of the birds of Arkansas, their common names, where they can be found, and some of their unique features. We hope you have enjoyed the post and that it has helped you learn more about the birds of Arkansas. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you!

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