Ever come across a pet owner so in love with their companion bird? It must have been the Rainbow lorikeet bird.
The rainbow bird is sweet, friendly, and affectionate to their favorite person or human keepers. Not to forget the laughable playful tricks and cheeky stunts the mischievous bird pulls when it wants to be the center of attention. A great way to laugh away your everyday stress and clear your tired brain after a long day at work.
That’s not all. The little beauties deserve to be seen. As the name aptly indicates, Rainbow birds come graced with bright and brilliantly colored feathers that are pretty appealing to the eyes and spectacular show-stoppers to look at. So, if you love color as much as we do, you are sure to add a bright pop of color and a splash of good looks to any setting with these lovely birds.
We are lucky to be part of a team that, through decades of experience and trial and error, has accumulated a bag of information and techniques you require for the successful taming of the rainbow lorikeet. In this article, we got you covered with all the knowledge you need about the rainbow bird. Read on to find out more.
ImageSource Pexels.com
About the Rainbow Lorikeet.
The rainbow Lorikeet bird, scientifically referred to as Trichoglossus moluccanus moluccanus is a bird species of the parrot family. Rainbow birds are kept as aviary birds thanks to the emotional companionship, entertainment, and fun they offer. Besides being known for their beautiful and alluring colors, they are active, playful, and funny birds. They like doing tricks and comical antics that can make you laugh every day. More than that, rainbow lorikeets are excellent in talking if trained well.
ImageSource unsplash.com
The rainbow lorikeet is indigenous to the coastal regions of Australia from northern Queensland to South Australia along the eastern coastline. Even so, some colonies have migrated to parts of Perth in Western Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Indonesia, and Tasmania.
In the wild, the birds usually live in trees in the rainforest, coastal bushes, and woodlands. They live in communal roosts and move in noisy flocks of ten to twenty birds and can fly up to 40 miles daily in search of food.
Untamed lorikeets mainly feed on nectar and flower pollen, seeds, insects, and fresh fruits. Lorikeets have long pointed tails and usually grow to a maximum head-to-tail length of 1 foot, a wingspan of about 6.6 inches, and weigh 75 – 175 g as adults.
Sound, Speech, and Vocalizations
If you hate high-pitched singing and screeching sounds, then the rainbow lorikeet bird is not for you. The birds are pretty noisy with frequent squawks and shrieks.
The best part; there may be better talkers in the family, but these adorable pet birds are excellent at talking. They are vocal learners that learn by grasping what they hear and imitating the sound and words. Therefore, with proper persistent teaching, rainbow lorikeets can learn how to utter some words and phrases audibly.
How much is a Rainbow Bird?
The bird isn’t cheap at all, but good things in life seldom are. An adult can cost you between $500 and $1200 depending on whether you will be purchasing from a pet shop or local breeders. For a Swainson’s Lorikeet, you will have to part with an excess of $1200. So, unless your name is Elon Musk, be sure to seriously weigh your financial might before splashing out.
If you can only manage a small chunk of cash and are serious about owning a rainbow lorikeet, we propose that you take a shot at rescues and adoption organizations for cheaper deals.
And after buying the bird, you don’t just pack up and head home just yet. You will need to fork out extra cash for the cage, toys, and feeds, among others.
Rainbow birds begin breeding after 12 months and can breed all year round, and mate for a lifetime. What’s more, the birds are monogamous and remain paired throughout their lives. The female lays 1 – 3 eggs with an incubation period of around 25 days by the female alone. The female can breed up to thrice a year.
If you have decided to breed in captivity, ensure you have a breeding pair. Place the pair in a sizable cage that offers ample room. It is worth noting that rainbow lorikeets will not breed in crowded rooms. Even more, attach a roomy nesting box and give the birds time. And besides that, make sure the diet is in plenty and well balanced, and avail sufficient clean water during the incubation period.
After hatching, the chicks stay in the nest for up to eight weeks. Ensure you hand feed the young ones as a way to get them used to human touch and presence.
Common Health Problems
A healthy rainbow bird usually looks bright and active. The feathers should be smooth, the beak and feet clean, and the eyes bright and clear. Look out for broken feathers and nails. Always make sure that the nails are not too long. Frequently look at the bird closely and try to identify diseases early when they still treatable. Along with that, check out for any difficulty in balancing, irregular body posture, reduced activity, and loss of appetite.
As soon as you notice any deviation in health and behavior, isolate the symptomatic rainbow lorikeets from the lot. Afterward, do not think twice about visiting the vet.
Common health problems that rainbow lorikeets may experience include;
Like any other bird out there, rainbow lorikeets are susceptible to diseases like Psittacosis or parrot fever, Beak and feather virus, Sour crop and more other common infections include pneumonia and inhaled toxins, external parasites like lice, mites, and ticks, and physical injuries.
To contain such infections, properly clean the bird’s cage and food containers before serving food to the pet.
Nutritional Deficiency
Rainbow lorikeets have a high metabolism and demand a highly specialized dietary regime. If the food does not include the necessary dietary requirements, the rainbow lorikeet may deteriorate in health and lose weight, or develop illnesses such as hemochromatosis or iron storage disease.
Ensure you provide a sufficient and well-balanced diet comprising of the formulated powders and pellets, supplemented by fruits and veggies. Moreover, avail fresh and clean drinking water every day.
Feather Plucking
Although this is uncommon with rainbow lorikeets, some birds have been observed to pluck their feathers when feeling bored, lonely, neglected, or anxious. Ensure the pet gets enough physical exercise to avoid depression. A supervised 3 – 4 hours daily exercise regime out of the cage will be beneficial to the bird’s well being. The cage should be large to allow the pet space to climb and fly.
Rainbow lorikeets love chewing. That said, invest indestructible toys to help exercise their talons and beaks.
Food – Diet and Nutrition
As we mentioned earlier, the rainbow lorikeets have a sweet tooth and mainly feed on nectar, flower pollen, fruit, and seeds in the wild. Lorikeets have a brush-like tongue that is adapted to harvesting the nectar.
Thankfully, the market offers commercial nectar mixes that can be purchased from pet shops and pet suppliers. Alternatively, if you’re short on cash, you can make homemade nectar mixes. Prepare fresh mix two to three times every day. To fulfill their never-ending want of food courtesy of their rapid metabolism, give about ¼ cup per serving. If you notice the pet finishing the food quickly and yearning for more, add them more.
Not just that. The diet is never complete without treats like fresh fruit, green vegetables, and edible organic flowers. Oats are the other nutritional powerhouses you ought to consider. Furthermore, provide clean and fresh water daily.
Foods to avoid
Avoid feeding your pet with foods like seeds, avocado, coffee, citrus fruits, and other acidic foods, alcohol, and chocolate.
The lifespan of a Rainbow lorikeet
Rainbow lorikeets usually live for 10 – 20 years, ample time to bond before you can say goodbye to your tiny pal. Nonetheless, diseases and infections, nutritional deficiency, and lack of exercise may prevent the companion bird from reaching a ripe old age.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you tame a wild Lorikeet?
It is possible to tame a lorikeet with proper training. After capture, give the birds time to adjust to the human world. Adult wild lorikeets are usually scared of people. So, spend some time sitting next to the bird’s cage and try hand-feeding to help get off on the right foot with the pet.
How does the Rainbow bird save itself from danger?
One technique rainbow lorikeets use to safeguard themselves is by always staying in social groups and being vigilant. Whenever one of them spots a potential threat or predator, they squeal loudly to alert the flock.
What is the difference between male and female Rainbow lorikeets?
There is very little difference between the male and female sexes. Both the feathering and coloration are identical. What sets the two sexes apart is the male bird species is usually slightly larger than females. Otherwise, you’d have to perform a DNA test using feathers or droppings to ascertain the sex.
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