Best 10 Florida Hawks Birds

The Florida hawks are a part of the hawk family that can live in Florida. They have long, sharp talons and beaks that they use to catch prey. There are many different species of hawks and some have more colorful feathers than others. In this article, we will talk about the best 10 Florida hawks birds so you know which ones to look for when you go out into nature!

 1 Red tail hawks

Red tail hawks are one of the most famous Florida hawks. They have a reddish-brown body and red plumage on their tails, which is where they get their names from! These birds mostly feed on things like frogs, lizards, snakes, and rodents; however, sometimes they will eat other small animals as well.

Red tail hawks close up image
Red tail hawks close up image

The information about Red tailed hawk lifespan is between 15 and 20 years.

This bird can be found throughout North America but has been known to migrate during the winter months if it isn’t able to find food elsewhere. Their wingspan ranges anywhere from 40 – 60 inches (100 – 150 cm).

Red tail hawk flying
Red tail hawk flying

2 The sharp shinned hawk

The sharp shinned hawks are the most beauteous Florida hawks that can be found. They are also identified by their white breasts that they have with a bluish-black back and wingspan of 38 inches (95 cm).

The sharp shinned hawk
The sharp shinned hawk close up image

The sharp shinned hawk is the smallest bird in North America, weighing only about 120 grams!

This means it’s smaller than your average human fist! The tail length of this species of hawks is around 14 – 15 inches long (35 – 39 centimeters) while its wingspan ranges from 23 to 26 inches wide (58 – 66 centimeters). Their lifespan averages between 12 and 25 years but some females may live up to 30 years old.

This bird mostly feeds on small animals such as mice, frogs, lizards, birds eggs or even other baby hawks.

3 The broad winged

The broad winged hawk is a little bit bigger than the sharp shinned hawk. It has an average weight of about 525 grams but can range between 400 and 600 grams with females being heavier than males. The tail length is roughly 20 inches long (51 centimeters), wingspan ranges from 41 to 52 inches wide (104 – 132 cm) while its lifespan averages at 12 years in captivity and up to 30 years when living out in nature.

The broad winged
The broad winged close up image

This species feeds on insects, small mammals such as mice or rats, amphibians, reptiles like snakes or lizards, frogs & other birds’ eggs. They also feed on avian prey that’s young enough for them to catch by flying down low before swooping up into the sky again!

4 Aplomado falcons

With wings that span up to four feet, the Aplomado Falcon is an impressive yet graceful bird. This creature has a short tail and can be found in savannas across North America down through Central America all throughout South American countries like Brazil or Argentina.

Aplomado falcons
Aplomado falcons close up image

The Aplomado Falcon is one of the most beautiful birds you’ll see – with their long legs, they’re twice as tall as other common raptors. With powerful talons and sharp hooked claws on each foot for climbing trees; this bird lives off small mammals such as rats or rabbits but will also eat lizards given half a chance! Like many types of scops owls (such males are smaller than females) this species mates mainly once every two years during late winter.

Females typically lay two eggs at a time and after three weeks, the chicks are ready to leave the nest. They can be seen perched in trees or on power lines as they wait for their prey to come along below them!

5 Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s hawk is a medium-sized raptor native to the North American continent and found from southern Canada to Mexico. It can be recognized by its dark head, white collar, rufous underparts with black streaks on the breast. The tail feathers are brown but contrast sharply against the light side of their body when they fly past you at an alarming speed. Cooper’s hawks eat anything that moves including small mammals like mice or squirrels as well as birds such as sparrows or quail!

Cooper’s Hawk setting on branch
Cooper’s Hawk setting on branch

Cooper’s Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) is a bird species in the genus Accipiter which occurs over most of North America south to Central America; it migrates seasonally within this range according to local conditions . It is sometimes known as the American Sparrowhawk.

It has a red crown patch, barred breast, and sides of the neck with black streaks on its underparts; it also has black wings tipped white. The tail is brown with four or five narrow horizontal bars. They are found in open country which includes grassland, prairie, farmland, and savannahs where they perch conspicuously but often silently during the day.

The Cooper’s Hawk eats mostly birds up to about the size of a Mourning Dove (in weight). In addition to small songbirds such as sparrows and crows, this hawk may occasionally catch larger prey including pigeons and doves that have been flushed from vegetation by other raptors or wild animals.

6 Red-shouldered Hawk

The red-shouldered hawk is a wild bird of prey that reigns over eastern North America and the southern coast of California. It’s considered to be one out of nine species within its genus as well as being an endangered animal in certain states like Florida, where it numbers less than 50 nesting individuals left.

Red-shouldered Hawk
Close up image of Red-shouldered Hawk setting on branch

The red-shouldered hawks are classified into two subspecies: Northern Red Shoulder Hawk (Buteo lineatus) with breeding ranges spanning from Canada down through Louisiana; Southern Red Shoulder Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) whose range spans places like Texas all the way until Mexico City!

The subspecies of red-shouldered hawks are actually very well known for their behavior. The species is usually at home in the forest and they typically make a nest that’s close to water, since it rains more often where they live! They’re also incredibly territorial when breeding season comes around with males tending to defend territories up to four miles away from the nest site.

Their diet consists largely of small animals like mice all the way down to lizards as well as frogs, snakes, birds and chipmunks which makes them both great hunters and dangerous predators if you happen get too near one during nesting season.

7 Broad-winged Hawk

The broad-winged hawk is an aggressive bird that can be found all over North America, but during the summer they are most commonly located in eastern areas. They migrate south to warmer climates for winter and some subspecies of hawks fly as far west as Texas before heading down to Mexico.

Broad-winged Hawk
Close up image of Broad-winged Hawk

These hawks are primarily prey for other predators, from eagles to peregrine falcons. The broad-winged hawk is generally not aggressive but will attack if threatened or startled, and they can be found as far up the coast of South America as Peru when winter hits.

Broad-winged Hawk
Close up image of 2 Broad-winged Hawks

Their diet consists largely of small animals like mice all the way down to lizards as well as frogs, snakes, birds, and chipmunks which makes them both great hunters and dangerous predators if you happen to get too near one during nesting season. They nest in trees with their eggs being a light brown color usually around four per clutch that hatch in about 30 days time before the young fledge after another 40 days on average.

8 Swainson’s Hawk

The Swainson’s hawk is an enormous bird of prey that can grow up to 3 feet in length. This species was named after British naturalist William Swainson, who first discovered it and documented its behavior for the world at large. The animal has a colloquial name – “grasshopper” or even “locust”, both because they are fond of Acrididae insects such as grasshoppers and locusts (among others) which make them easy-to-catch snacks!

Swainson’s Hawk
Swainson’s Hawk close up image

The Swainson’s hawks reside across North America but their numbers have been declining due largely to habitat destruction by man—a situation with serious ecological consequences if not reversed soon enough.

9 Short-tailed Hawk

The Short-tailed Hawk is a bird that can be found throughout Central and South America. They mostly reside near the United States border to Mexico, but in recent years they have been showing up more frequently as far west into Arizona as well.

Short-tailed Hawk
Short-tailed Hawk setting on branch

The short-tailed hawk has also shown up at least once this year on our campus grounds!

The Short-tailed Hawk is a medium-sized bird, not quite as large as the Red-tailed hawk but slightly larger than the American kestrel.

Their wingspan can range from 36″ to 45″. Their body length ranges from 17″ to 24”. They have fairly long legs and their tail feathers are relatively short for an eagle of their size—hence why they are called “short-tailed.”

Short-tailed hawks live in habitats that include open areas with trees or shrubs, woodland edges, and clearings, semiopen countrysides, and grasslands where there’s some vertical cover (like cliffs). As such these birds thrive when human population density is low!

 10 Great Black Hawk

The great black hawk, a bird of prey in the family Accipitridae that includes eagles, hawks, and Old World vultures. It is one of several species known as “ospreys” or more commonly just called raptors.

Great Black Hawk
Great Black Hawk preparing itself to fly

The great black hawk is part of an impressive list that also includes those birds labeled osprey or popularly referred to as raptors such as bald eagle and golden eagle.

  • The wingspan of the great black hawk is about four to five feet.
  • Life Expectancy of Great Black Hawk is up to 13 years
  • The best time to see a Great Black Hawk is during the winter months, from November 15 through March 15.

Great black hawks are territorial birds and generally will not nest where there’s a human population density of greater than two people per square mile in Florida or other parts of North America. As such these hawks thrive when human population density is low!

This bird has a very distinctive call that sounds like “woc-woc-wo.” It can be heard for miles but its most important use may have been as an auditory signal alerting others of danger because it was usually given before flying off after prey!

It has also been noted that this hawk’s language skills were so good they could fool even humans.


Watching hawks is an excellent way to increase your knowledge of birds and wildlife – it’s always best when you know what kind of bird you’re looking out for rather than guessing its species by sight alone so keep these facts about Florida Hawks close by next time you go hunting!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Florida hawks look like?

Florida hawks have short sturdy legs with large feet that allow them to carry heavy loads while flying or hopping on the ground; these birds are often seen perched in trees waiting for their next meal! These predators hunt both during day and night hours but usually because it was given before flying off after prey! It has also been noted that this hawk’s language skills were so good they could fool even humans. Watching hawks is an excellent way to increase your knowledge of birds and wildlife.

What do hawks eat in Florida?

The Florida Hawk is a species of bird that lives in the southeastern United States. This robust predator’s diet consists mainly of small mammals, birds, frogs, snakes, and lizards.

Can you shoot a hawk?

Hawks are usually not shot because of the harm they can cause to the environment. They also provide a valuable food source for other species such as raccoons, foxes, and coyotes.

Protective laws have been in place since the early 20th century to prevent people from hunting hawks. Anyone who does so can be slapped with a $5000 fine or sentenced up to six months of imprisonment, depending on the severity of their crime.

Hawks are protected under federal law and anyone violating this protection could face heavy fines or jail time

Are there falcons in Florida?

The only falcon that breeds in Florida is the Red-tailed Hawk. The other three species, Cooper’s hawk, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, and Northern Goshawk don’t live year-round but will visit during migrations or winter months

A few of these hawks have been spotted throughout Florida: red tailed hawks are common across the state; flammulated owls can be found near north-central Florida

How do you tell the difference between a hawk and a falcon?

Both hawks and falcons have wings that are pointed at the end, but a key difference is their tail shape. A hawk’s tail has rounded edges versus an angular point on top of a falcon’s.

Hawks also fly lower than falcons, which typically stay higher up in the sky.

People often confuse brown-headed cowbirds for hawks because they can be seen perched near power lines looking like they’re hunting from above. Cowbirds are actually songbirds!

How does one start to identify different species of hawks?

There isn’t a foolproof way to tell what type of bird you’ve spotted just by its appearance, but there are some ways to narrow it down: The color or patterning on feathers.

Read also about What is the King Rail bird?

Images source: CanvaPRO

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